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When most men reach the point of marriage not only do they rush out and marry any good-looking woman, but they also spend most of their time exploring the sights of women who think they can be together for the rest of their lives.
Many women forget about themselves and think that the only thing that can make them find a bride is beautiful, so they spend their time grooming and grooming themselves to attract men without realizing that marriage is more than just beauty.
The situation is now different from the past where if you are in good shape and attractive then you are 100 percent married.
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The research I have done shows that in addition to the beauty of character and appearance, there are other basic qualities that a woman needs to have in order to be in such a good position to find a fiancé to marry that if she does not have them she will end up being teased.
The main goal of a man to get married is to want to get true love from a woman and if possible they can have children where children have always been the joy of marriage. There are some women who openly show a lack of true love but have a passion for flirting. What they want is either to get fame just because she is with someone or to get the money that a man has but not that she has a sincere love from her heart.
A woman who has no sincere love will only discover her, most of the time you will see her eyes are in a man's pocket. When he sees that the fund is full he will see that he is showing a high level of love but when the situation gets worse financially the will begins to fade.
Why do men love their sons with sincere love from their hearts and not from the money they have? This is due to the fact that life is always changing, as the Swahili say, there are ups and downs.
It is not that every day you will have a good life and if that happens then thank God. So then a married woman must understand that and be willing to show her sincere love throughout their lives and not just for a certain period of grace.
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Not only that but a large percentage of married life is dominated by love, so this aspect is very important for many men to look at it so that they do not find themselves marrying a woman who over time love goes on vacation a situation that can make them not live a comfortable life.
Good manners are the weapons of life, with good manners everyone will love you, that's in normal life. But when it comes to marrying a character it becomes a very original thing to look at and that may be true because there are beautiful girls with attractive personalities and good looks, but they lack men to marry, if you ask because you will be told he behaves badly.
I would say that has been a major problem for some women missing men to see them. None of the men I have tried to talk to have shown contempt for this issue of behavior.
Not only that, there are men who have gone head-to-head and got married just by looking at the shape regardless of the character, the result after a few days of chaos of its kind which has led to the breakdown of the marriage due to the bad habits of the woman.
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Recently there has been a change of its kind for men, many now do not want to marry a woman who does not have a job that is 'goalkeeper'. If he is unemployed then he should be interested in development by dedicating himself to various developmental activities such as agriculture for those in rural areas and small businesses for those in urban and even rural areas.
The idea of a woman being a stay-at-home mom waiting for a man to come back to comfort her is now obsolete. Most men like women who are anxious, dreaming of progress in their lives. Even if they will not be workers but they should be giving advice to their husbands on how to make them successful.
There are some women who have very strange behaviors that can be a nuisance to men. There are women who love greatness no matter what the real situation is. There are women I can say are desperate, every weekend you will hear her "today where are we going dear?"
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When he sees his friend buying three hundred thousand mobile phones and you will hear him say, ‘and I beg you to buy me a phone like Grace’. If you go with him to the Pub he tells you, "I don't drink bottled alcohol and use cans again Heineken '. He doesn't care how much money a man has and if you don't practice he hates it and can even reduce sex.
Women like these are in a very difficult position to find men to marry. Often in life money talks, if a man has enough money it will be very easy for a woman to get everything she wants but not by telling her I want something. The man himself will hear her say, 'What kind of phone do you want me to buy you, or where do you want us to go today? 'then you will have the opportunity to say,' I want you to buy me a phone like this or today I want us to go somewhere. '
Men are very easy to give to those who hope to marry them whatever they will need as long as money will not be a problem. The thing that irritates most men is the tendency of a woman to love big things without looking at the potential in a man.
There are some women who are not speakers at all, she is waiting today to bring her this, she receives and is grateful, tomorrow when she is told to go to the beach she agrees. Or some wait until they are asked what they want, that's what they say.
I'm not saying just keep quiet even if you have a problem with something and you know that if you tell your partner he can help you, no! If you find that you are not able to get what you need, explain it in a systematic way. I believe he will understand and fulfill it. The behavior that most men do not like is that of forcing you to do something when it is possible that there is no possibility.
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There are women who are not tolerant at all in life. We know that life is not always predictable, there may be health or financial problems. This is the time to see a man's endurance. to escape a man, that's not a woman to marry.
How many today run away from their husbands in the event of illness, bankruptcy or any other problem that in one way or another can make their lives miserable?
Tolerance for a woman will only exist if she has sincere love as I mentioned earlier. A woman with a sincere love must be patient and willing to live a life of any kind, whether comfortable or comfortable. These are the ones most men would like to have in their lives.
Despite their desire to marry women who have the same characteristics that I mentioned above, they are very disgusted with women who behave in small ways that are basically unacceptable in society.
Such traits are sarcastic, dishonest and open, dissatisfied, unforgiving and hateful, quarrelsome, and self-centered.
This study has been conducted on some men who hope to marry women who live in different places
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In that sense, that should be a challenge for women. Let them know what kind of women women are happy to have. Even if you are already married, if there are times when you just can't seem to get your head around you, consider whether you are missing out on some of the things I mentioned above. You can change as much as possible.
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Wanaume wengi wanapofikia hatua ya kuoa si kwamba wanakurupuka tu na kuoa mwanamke yeyote mwenye sura nzuri, bali huchukua muda wao mwingi kuchunguza mambo mengi juu ya wake ambao wanadhani kwamba wanaweza kuwa pamoja kwa kipindi chote cha maisha.
Wanawake wengi wanajisahau na kudhani kwamba kitu kinachowezakuwafanya wakapata wachumba niuzuri hivyo kupoteza muda wao kujichubua na kujiremba ili wawavutie wanaume bila kujua kwamba kuolewa ni zaidi ya uzuri.
Hali sasa hivi imebadilika ni tofauti na kipindi cha nyuma ambapo ukiwa na sura nzuri na umbo la kuvutia basi una asilimia 100 za kuolewa.
Utafiti ambao nimeufanya unaonesha kwamba zaidi ya uzuri wa tabia na umbo, kuna kuna sifa nyingine za msingi ambazo mwanamke anatakiwa kuwa nazo ili aweze kuwa katika mazingira mazuri ya kupata mchumba wa kumuoa kiasi kwamba asipokuwa nazo ataishia kuchezewa tu lakini haitatokea mtu kumtakiwa kwamba anataka kumuoa.
Lengo kubwa la mwanaume kuoa ni kutaka kupata mapenzi ya kweli kutoka kwa mwanamke na ikiwezekana waweze kupata watotoa ambapo watoto mara ndio wamekuwa furaha ya ndoa. Wapo wanawake wengine ambao wanonesha wazi kutokuwa na mapenzi ya kweli bali wanakuwa na mapenzi ya kuzuga. Wanachotaka wao aidha kupata umaarufu tu kwamba yuko na mtu fulani ama kuweza kupata pesa alizonazo mwanaume lakini sio kwamba ana mapenzi ya dhati kutoka moyoni mwake.
Mwanamke asiye na mapenzi ya dhati utamgundua tu, muda mwingiutamuona macho yake yako kwenye mfuko wa mwanaume. Akiona kwamba mfuko umetuna utaona anaonesha mapenzi ya hali ya juu lakini pindi hali inapokuwa kubwa mbaya kifedha mapenzi yanaanza kufifia.
Kwanini wanaume wanapenda wana wake wenye mapenzi ya dhati kutoka mioyoni mwao na si kutokana na fedha walizonazo? Hii inatokana na ukweli kwamba maisha siku zote yanabadilika, kama waswahili wanavyosema, kuna kupanda na kushuka.
Sio kwamba kila siku utakuwa na maisha mazuri na kama itatokea hivyo basi ushukuru mungu.Hivyo basi mwanamke wa kuoa lazima afahamu hivyo na awe tayari kuonesha mapenzi yake ya dhati wakati wote wa maisha yao na si kwa kipindi fulani tu cha neema.
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Si hivyo tu pia asilimia kubwa ya maisha ya ndoa yanatawaliwa na mapenzi, kwa hiyo nyanja hiyo inakuwa ya msingi sana kwa wanaume wengi kuiangalia ili wasije wakajikuta wanaoa mwanamke ambaye baada ya muda mapenzi yanakwenda likizo hali ambayo inaweza kuwafanya wasiishi maisha ya raha mustarehe.
Tabia njema ndio silaha ya maisha, ukiwa na tabia nzuri kila mtu atakupenda, hiyo ni katika maisha ya kawaida. Lakini linapokuja sualana kuoa tabia inakuwa kitu cha awali sana kungaliwa na hiyo inaweza kuwa na ukweli kwa sababu wapo wasichana wazuri wenye mvuto wa aina yake na maumbile mazuri, lakini wanakosa wanaume wa kuwaoa, ukiuliza kwani utaambiwa anatabia mbaya.
Naweza kusema hilo ndilo limekuwa tatizo kubwa kwa baadhi ya wanawake kukosa wanaume wa kuwaona. Hakuna mwanaume hata mmoja kati ya wale ambao nimejaribu kuongea naye ambaye ameonesha kulidharau suala hilo la tabia.
Si hivyo tu wapo wanaume ambao wameingia kichwa kichwa na kuoa kwa kuangalia sura tu bila kujali tabia, matokeo yake baada ya siku chache yanatokea machafuko ya aina yake hali ambayo imepelekea kuvunjika kwa ndoa kutokana na tabia mbaya alizonazo mwanamke.
Hivi karibuni kumekuwepo na mabadiliko ya aina yake kwa wanaume, wengi sasa hivi hawapendi kabisa kuoa mwanamke ambaye hana kazi yaani 'golikipa'. Kama atakuwa hana kazi basi awe na uchu wa maendeleo kwa kujituma kufanya kazi mbalimbali za kimaendeleo kama vile kilimo kwa wale walio vijijini na biashara ndogondogo kwa wale ambao wako mijijini na hata vijijini.
Ile dhana ya kusema mwanamke ni mama wa nyumbani wa kukaa na kujipodoa akimsubiria mwnaume arudi amstarehesha, sasa hivi imepitwa na wakati. Wanaume wengi wanapenda wanawake ambao ni wahangaikaji, wenye ndoto za maendeleo katika maisha yao. Hata kama watakuwa si wafanyakazi lakini wawe wenye kutoa ushauri kwa waume zao juu ya jinsi gani wafanye ili wafanikiwe.
Kuna wanawake wengine wanakuwa na tabia za ajabu sana kiasi kwamba yaweza kuwa kero kwa wanaume. Wapo wanawake ambao wanapenda makuu bila kujali hali halisi ilivyo. Kuna wanawake naweza kusema wana tamaa, kila wikiendi utamsikia "leo tunakwenda wapi dear?"
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Akimuona rafiki yake kanunua simuya laki tatu na yeye utamsikia akisema, ‘na mimi naomba uninunulie simu kama ya Grace’. Ukienda naye Pub anakuambia,"mimi sinywi pombe za chupa natumia za kopo tena Heineken’. Yeye hajali kiasi cha pesa mwanaume alicho nacho na usipotekelezea anachukia na anaweza hata kupunguza mapenzi.
Wanawake kama hawa wako katika mazingira magumu sana ya kuweza kupata wanaume wa kuwaoa. Mara nyingi katika maisha fedha huzungumza, kama mwanaume atakuwa na pesa ya kutosha itakuwa rahisi sana kwa mwanamke kupata kila atakachopenda lakini si kwa kumwambia mimi nataka kitu fulani.Mwanaune mwenyewe utamsikia akisema, ‘unataka nikununulie simu ya aina gani, au leo unataka twende wapi?’ hapo ndipo utakuwa na nafasi ya kusema, ‘mimi nataka uninunulie simu kama ya fulani ama leo nataka twende sehemu fulani.’
Wanaume ni warahisi sana wa kuwapatia wale ambao wanatarajia kuwaoa chochote ambacho watahitaji kama tu pesa haitakuwa tatizo. Kitu ambacho kinawaudhi wanaume wengi ni ile tabia ya mwanamke kupenda mambo makubwa bila kuangalia uwezo uliopo kwa mwanume.
Kuna wanawake wengine wao si wasemaji kabisa, yeye anasubiri leoamemletea hiki, anapokea na kushukuru, kesho akiambiwa twende beach anakubali. Au wengine wanasubiri mpaka waulizwe wanataka nini, ndio wanasema.
Sisemi kwamba uwe mkimya tu hata kama una shida ya kitu fulani na unafahamu kwamba ukimweleza mwenza wako anaweza kukusaidia, hapana! kama unaona kwamba uwezekano wa kupata kile ambacho unakihitajiupo mweleze kwa utaratibu naamini atakuelewa na kukutimizia.Tabia ambayo hawaipendi wanaume wengi ni ile ya kulazimisha ufanyiwe kitu fulaniwakati inawezekana uwezekano haupo.
Wapo wanawake ambao sio wavumilivu kabisa katika maisha.Tunajua kwamba maisha siku zote hayatabiriki, yanaweza kutokea matatizo ya kiafya ama kifedha.Huu ndio wakati wa kuona uvumilivu wa mtu.Kama mwanamke anatarajia kwamba siku zote ni za raha tu na pindi matatizo yanapotokea anachukua uamuzi wa kumtoroka mwanume, huyo siyo mwanamke wa kuoa.
Wangapi leo hii huwatoroka waume zao pindi inapotokea kuumwa, kufilisika ama kupatwa na tatizo lolote ambalo kwa namna moja ama nyingine yanaweza kuwafanya maisha yao kutingishika?
Uvumilivu kwa mwanamke utakuwepo kama tu atakuwa na mapenzi ya dhati kama nilivyozungumza hapo awali. Mwanamke mweye mapenzi ya dhati ni lazima atakuwa mvumilivu na atakuwa tayari kuishi katika maisha ya aina yoyote, yawe ya raha ama ya starehe.Hawa ndio wale ambao wanaume wengi wengependa kuwa nao maishani mwao.
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Licha ya kupenda kuoa wanawake amabo wana tabia hizo nilizozitaja hapo juu, wanachukizwa sana na wanawake ambao wanavijitabia vidogo vidogo ambavyo kimsingi havikubaliki katka jamii.
Tabia hizo ni kama wambea, wasio wakweli na wawazi, wasioridhika, wagumu kusamehe na wapesi wa kuchukia, wagomvi na wenye roho ya kwanini.
Utafiti huu umefanyikwa kwa baadhi ya wanaume ambao wanatarajia kuoa wanawake ambao wanaoishi katika maeneo mbalimbali
Kwa maana hiyo basi hiyo iwe changamoto kwa wanawake. Wajue kwamba wanaume wanafurahi kuwa na wanawake wa aina gani. Hata kama utakuwa umeshaolewa, kama kuna wakati kunakuwa na kutokuelewana baina yenu, chunguza yawezekana kwamba unakosa mojawapo ya tabia ambazo nimezitaja hapo juu. Waweza kubadilika kwani inawezekana.
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